Strategy & creative development

Which services does the developmentof a social media strategy entail?

At the end of the day, creative content may well brighten up many people’s feed, pick up prizes galore and, with a little bit of luck, even go viral. But at the start of the day, what counts is an exceptionally smart and data-based social media strategy.

In addition to market research tools such as GWI and Best for Planning, we also employ our in-house Intermate technology, which boasts direct access to the databases of social networks and now to AI tools via APIs. This allows us to analyse trends, current discourse, target groups and suitable influencers in greater depth than any of our rivals. Based on this analysis, we develop social media strategies that deliver genuine impact and maximum performance for brands.

But how does our creative team find the right ideas for content generation?

Bouncing around ideas with the Content Production department, the Creative department takes what our Strategy department has previously developed using social media marketing strategies and transforms it into social-native creative concepts based chiefly on insights gleaned from the performance of existing assets.

Drawing on the target group analysis, we not only develop individual assets, but our work also revolves around overarching content formats and social campaigns, platform-agnostic annual strategies and the setting up of entire marketing channels. Here, our clients benefit from our strong creator centricity; right from the outset, we include those who shape social media trends – i.e. influencers and creators – in the creative process.

Trend-based content does not merely stand alone, but comes together under a coherent creative umbrella. As such, we don’t just entertain users of the various platforms with engaging social media content, but build brand channels in a purposeful way, create long-term customer loyalty, generate awareness for exciting products and boost both engagement and performance. Taking our cue from the objectives of the brand concerned, we always incorporate seasonal highlights within our campaigns and make ad hoc content adaptable for brands through real-time marketing. On account of our many and varied ideas, we strike a chord with millennials and Gen Z alike on the platforms concerned.

Why are we here at Intermate experts in TikTok marketing?

We are social media pioneers. Many years ago, for instance, we became the first agency to fully harness TikTok as a social media platform.

Other Services:

Content Production

Social-first: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Podcasts, Snapchat and LinkedIn
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Consulting & Influencer Relations

More than 2,000 campaigns’ worth of experience
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Tech & Insights

Audits, competitor analysis, industry benchmarks and social listening
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Full Funnel & Performance Ads

Alpha tester for the platforms; in-house ad tech and ad team
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