Consulting & Influencer Relations

With more than eight years of experience, over 2,000 influencer campaigns under our belt and more than 50,000 influencer profiles in our tool, we are one of the most successful social media agencies in Europe.

How do we advise our clients?

As pioneers of influencer marketing, we already saw ourselves as drivers of innovation within the marketing mix back in 2014. We have been providing our clients with holistic advice ever since on everything from influencer campaigns to all other social media activities. That’s why our project management and advisory teams are made up of social media generalists.

However, we do not just rely on social expertise, but have instead put agile structures in place that enable interdisciplinary working in combination with fixed contacts and business unit teams. 

As a social media agency, our top priority is to ensure that target group-specific platform expertise goes hand in hand with first-rate social media consulting. Our comprehensive technology enables us to carry out data- and performance-based analysis.

By virtue of our consulting and support model, we have been able to provide our clients with the full spectrum of services, based on a strong spirit of partnership, for many years. Together with them, we not only develop thrilling campaigns, but also shape the entire social media market. But instead of resting on our laurels, we relentlessly question the status quo and continuously develop the social media strategy for our client brands on the basis of our social media consulting.

How do we work with brands and influencers?

We are the lead influencer agencyfor the most active companies in this field – and, in some cases, have been since day one.

Our creator-driven approach helps us to invariably maximise reach, both in terms of creating and distributing content.

Having successfully delivered countless influencer campaigns, we have built up strong ties with content creators from all verticals and on all key platforms. Our direct communication and close contact with the stars of the social media world enable us to take the most platform-native approach possible and create inspiring ideas – precisely tailored to the target group and community concerned – in tandem with them.

In our role as specialists, we bring brands and creators together and foster lasting partnerships between them. As a tech-driven social media agency, we draw on our in-house technology to help us select suitable influencers; this technology enables us to carry out extensive research, identify suitable accounts and comply with even the most exacting quality standards.

How do we go about finding the right influencers?

In order to ensure the success of planned campaigns, influencers are initially screened by our in-house social media tool on the basis of set KPIs:

The next step is content-based validation of the influencers:

On account of our holistic technology, many years of experience and strong focus on social media consultancy, we provide our clients with an unparalleled level of service.

Our Services:

Strategy & Creation

Gen Z creators, social strategists, in-house creators
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Content Production

Social-first: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Podcasts, Snapchat and LinkedIn
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Social Media Management

Creator-centric and hand in hand with the platforms themselves
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Tech & Insights

Audits, competitor analysis, industry benchmarks and social listening
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Full Funnel & Performance Ads

Alpha tester for the platforms; in-house ad tech and ad team
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